26 top conversion rate optimisation tips

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26 Conversion Optimisation Tips to Increase Your Conversion Rate and plug the leaks


Water leaking from holes in bucket

  1. Have you tested your form on right vs. left side of the page?
  2. Are your UVPs above the fold?
  3. Have you tested adding Trust elements  to your site; testimonials, reviews, awards, stats
  4. Can your landing page be any more concise?
  5. Can you reduce distraction on your pages? How many links can you remove?
  6. Improve clarity with larger product images on your category/product pages
  7. How many options does your product have? Can it be reduced?
  8. Your customer buys emotionally and defends the purchase rationally. Get them excited.
  9. Your privacy policy link should not open a new page.
  10. You don’t sell features. You sell solutions to problems. Value Proposition is relative.
  11. Have you tested embedding lead generation forms on the page vs. new page vs. pop up form?
  12. Can you move optional form fields to the thank you page?
  13. Try replacing rotating banners with static images and value proposition copy
  14. Do your images have “action captions”? Include your CTA
  15. Do your category pages include relevant & easy filters?
  16. Have you tested a one column vs. two-column vs. three-column layout?
  17. Have you tested removing the nav bar from landing pages?
  18. How strong is your CTA scent trail? Your key terms through the funnel should match.
  19. Do your landing page headline match the keywords in your PPC ad?
  20. Select testimonials to support each product page’s main value proposition.
  21. Does your home page offer visitors self-segmentation?
  22. Test category images vs. subcategory images on core pages
  23. Have you tested animated vs. static content.
  24. Have you tested a Big Orange Button? We call him BOB. He works hard.
  25. Test a “factual” vs. “emotive” content.
  26. Test Calls to Action; Order Now vs. Get a Quote vs. Compare Now, etc.

Thats all the conversion rate optimisation tips but feel free to share your own in the comments.