10 more things you never thought about split testing

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10 more things you never thought about split testing but you should probably test


Everyone loves a listicle so here goes with a follow-up to a popular one where we go into some less heard of ideas on what to split test in e-commerce.


1 – Most sites offer two flavours of free shipping Free for everyone or over £xx but how many people have actually tested this? I would recommend doing this as a priority but remember to measure AOV as well as conversions and if possible profit as well. Try testing on high profit and high volume items first.
2. Promo and voucher codes are ubiquitous on Ecommerce sites but have you tested including them vs not. Or displaying them as a small text link vs applying any relevant discounts automatically as above measure sales, AOV and profit for the full picture
3. Free returns or free same day shipping which works best or does offering both give you the biggest uplift
4. Web chat vs CS call centre test one vs the other or try both at the same time. What do your customers prefer
5. Type of packaging can be an unusual thing to split test but can be done send it a standard box or a shiny hamper
6. Showing most profitable products on homepage vs most popular can give big uplifts in profits and revenue, measure revenue and profit
7. Extra photos vs 3D images which convert better also make sure you measure returns as these can cost you big time.
8. Test affiliates A/B who gives you the best customer. try one for a month then the other for a month what are their relevant conversion rates and return rates
9. Test position 1 of adwords vs 2 or 3 I have seen some good results where position 2 gives similar traffic but lower cost per customer
10. Test bidding higher on mobile in the evenings and early mornings and daytime as people will tend to research on mobile and evenings then convert on tablet or desktop during the latter parts of the evening when they are home.